Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Day 10
10:29PM, 19 degrees Celsius

It's getting really chilly in Linh Nam, Hanoi! Been raining the entire day and it's still drizzling outside. Oh baby it's so cold outside!

Nothing much happened yesterday- we had an English class yesterday morning and then we went down to Fivimart to get some junk food. I had 3 ice creams yesterday- or maybe 4.. I can't seem to stop. I remember telling Mom that I might turn vegetarian and lose some weight while I'm here but I'm pretty sure I've put on some weight from all the ice cream, junk foods and beer. Also, I've been eating a lot of rice. More rice, less meat and vegetables because how the cook fixes our meals is just not to my liking. Don't judge me- get into my shoes.

I also joined Hiep and Teeky to interview 6 candidates for 2 positions in SJ Vietnam and man, it was so fun! I enjoyed it thoroughly. Once, Teeky asked one of the candidates to guess where I'm from and she said Korea. As soon as I told her that I am from Singapore, she got all nervy and red from the mistake. She regained colour only after I told her that isn't one of the interview questions. She got the job.

Must be the eyes I have.. People here have been mistaking me for a Japanese or a Korean it is so frustrating. Unlike girls who'd feel flattered to be mistaken as a Korean, I'd rather be recognised as a Singaporean any day.

This morning, we taught the students how to give directions. Mirka left behind a self-drawn map with places like schools, supermarkets, bars, clubs, ATMs, parks, the beach and coffee shops along different street names with T-intersections, crossroads and bends, and we had to teach them how to give directions properly. While Hannah and Ollie chose to start from the park and end off at a school, Millie and I chose to start from the school, to the ATM and then to the bars and clubs. How realistic in today's context. I am a horrible teacher.

Sophie, Kayla, Teeky and myself have booked ourselves on a weekend trip to Halong Bay for 100USD. Since changing my flight to an earlier date is gonna cost so much more, I have decided to spend my last weekend in Halong Bay. We set off on Saturday morning and return on Sunday evening- and my flight back to Singapore on Monday morning.

Haven't been doing much. I skipped evening lesson at the university earlier today because my tummy feels really weird and the wet weather today has made me so unwell and tired. We were supposed to go for karaoke last night and lunch at the West Lake this afternoon but I've been playing UNO and Cheat with a couple others at home. I can't live like this- bumming around and being useless. I know I'm gonna regret for saying this but I can't wait to start working again. I said it.

We will be going on an excursion with the  students to the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum tomorrow morning and I am not exactly looking forward to it.. Only because of the rain I am expecting tomorrow. I hate to sound all princessy but I really hate getting my shoes and slippers dirty. Linh Nam is really dirty! But I'm totally looking forward to Ladies Night with the rest of us tomorrow night haaaa~

On a different note, I am deeply saddened by the passing of Lee Kuan Yew. I'm not going to pretend like I am very well read about the history of Singapore and how he moulded her, but I have always been rather defensive whenever people ill speak of him. I've always thought of him as a warrior- a strong man. Dense and shallow as it may sound, I never thought this day would come. And I regret that I am not at home to mourn the nation's loss with the rest of Singapore.

All men die. Eventually.

Nothing lasts forever. 

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